Busy Busy
Category: Life
Okay, I'm typing up a blog. It's not that I actually have anything of value to contribute this minute, but I haven't blogged in over a month and I kind of feel guilty about it.
Let's see, what's happened since I last blogged....
My mother got a major kidney stone. Last Monday I spent a good part of the day with her at the hospital while she got a CT scan. The scan showed a stone too big to pass, so they sent her to a specialist.
The next morning (yes, Tuesday), we are driving to the 8am appontment with the specialist and get a call from my Aunt. My grandfather had died. Wow. Not a huge shock - he was nearly 90 - but still kind of out of the blue. So, I get to be the one to call my dad and tell him his dad died. Great. I've never had to do that kind of thing before and it felt awful.
We're still reeling from everything that's going to snowball at us from Grandpa's passing when the specialist says to my mom "You need immediate surgery. What are you doing tonight?" My mom didn't get it, so I answered for her - "Getting a kidney stone out?" So, not quite ER level trauma, but still an emergency, knock-your-butt-out surgery. This was a serious stone. And, it turned out to be even bigger than the specialist expected - how's about them apples?
So, the funeral was last Friday. Food at mom's for 20+ and trying to remember etiquette and all. Kinda crapped out for Saturday, so we took it easy (played board games with the kids). Sunday afternoon and I get a call from Doug's science teacher. "He's got a 63% right now." Midterm grades were coming out and she didn't want us to be too shocked. Turns out he's not turning his assignments in. Damn. Where there's smoke there's fire. "Science won't be the only class," is all I can think to myself. Sometimes I hate being right. Turns out he bombed a math test a two weeks ago (52%) and is missing 3 assignments. He's got a 67% in math. And English is a 59% - missing 7 assignments and bombing one quiz.
On the brighter side, he's getting an A- in Geography. Whoopee! So, this weekend will be filled with make up work and extra credit for 3 different classes. Joy of joys. Good thing we don't go to church anymore because there just wouldn't be time for this stuff if we did.
God only knows what he's getting in P.E. or Band. I'm not sure I want to know.
Oh, and here's a link to a video montage I did of my sweet Allie. The song is "Amazing" by Janelle.